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Category Archives: Health

8 ways to drink coffee to get the benefits It is not harmful to the body.

8 ways to drink coffee to get the benefits It is not harmful to the body.

“Caffeine” in coffee has both advantages and disadvantages. Of course, drinking too much coffee. May disturb sleep at night Including the symptoms of “caffeine addiction” that may cause you to have headaches, shaky hands, and other side effects. When you can’t live without coffee But drinking

Eating vegetarian and eating vegetarian How are they different?

Eating vegetarian and eating vegetarian How are they different?

Every time we enter the vegetarian. We have to start preparing food to stock up at home. Prepare to observe the precepts, think well, speak well. And get used to refraining from eating meat. But vegetarianism is not just about abstaining from meat, because vegetarianism

9 makeup steps for beginners What should I apply before and after?

9 makeup steps for beginners What should I apply before and after?

For makeup beginners, choosing the right shade or product can be tricky and confusing. However, training and trial and error You will be ready with basic makeup skills in no time. Here are 9 makeup steps for beginners. 9 makeup steps for beginners 1. Primer First of all, start by cleaning

5 food groups that reduce skin problems from sunlight

5 food groups that reduce skin problems from sunlight

Sun exposure is a factor that causes various skin problems such as sunburn, freckles, dark spots, and skin cancer. We can reduce the risk of these problems by taking care of our skin from the inside out. Eating foods high in antioxidants is one way to protect